Imaging Software Installation

Analysis of Functional Neuroimages (AFNI)


Linux, Ubuntu 18.04

Linux, Fedora and Red Hat

Windows 10

If you already have AFNI installed, you can update using the command:

@update.afni.binaries -d

AFNI may say the version it is trying to update is no longer supported and recommend that you update to the latest version

In that case, you can use the -package option to update to the version that AFNI recommends

@update.afni.binaries -package macos_10.12_local

FSL: FMRIB Software Library




FreeSurfer Software Suite

Mac or Linux


Create a mathorks account at using your UCSD email address


The UCSD license should be listed as 1144083


Click on the “products” tab at the top of your account page


Download the latest release after providing your OS info

_images/mat5.png _images/mat6.png

Unzip the downloaded file


Open the disk image


Run the installer


Log in using your Mathworks account credentials


Accept the license agreement


Select the campus license


Choose the install location (Applications or default is OK)


Select the products to install

  • See the image for our recommendation

  • Installing ALL products will result in a VERY long installation process


Install Matlab

_images/mat15.png _images/mat16.png