# comment
This symbol (#) is used to write notes in code that will not be read or interpreted when you run a script (series of commands used to process the data)
cd change directory
example: cd Desktop/Aarons_Files
This will move you into a directory (folder) on the desktop called "Aarons_Files"
ls list (view) everything in your current directory
pwd print working directory
command used to tell you exactly where you are on a computer
this can be very useful when navigating to specific locations/files or writing processing scripts
example: pwd
cd .. change directories to ONE directory before/above your current location
cd /Users/aaronjacobson/Desktop/Aarons_Files
cd ..
cd ../.. change directories to TWO directories before/above your current location
cd /Users/aaronjacobson/Desktop/Aarons_Files
cd ../..
* wildcard
used to take a shortcut to a directory or include multiple files in a process (among other uses)
example: cd Desktop/Aarons_F*
This will move you into a directory on the desktop that STARTS with "Aarons_F". If Aarons_Files is the only directory that meets this criteria, that is where you will go
example: cd Desktop/*ons_Files
Move into a directory that ENDS with "ons_Files". If Aarons_Files is the only directory that meets this criteria, that is where you will go
example: cd Desktop/*ons_Fil*
Move into a directory that CONTAINS "ons_Fil". If Aarons_Files is the only directory that meets this criteria, that is where you will go
example: cp Desktop/Aarons_Files/fakefiles_* fake_directory
copy (cp) every file within the Aarons_Files directory to a directory called "fake_directory"
/~ your HOME directory
This is your base folder on your user account on your computer. when you open Terminal, this is where you will start.
example: cd ~/
example: cd ~/Desktop